Other Works
Short disclaimer: “recommended” works does not mean that I necessarily endorse everything by the author(s). I listed the recommendations because I have found them to be though-provoking, encouraging, and challenging.
From yours truly:
Heart, Mind, & Hands: A Reflection on the Soul of A Youth Apostle (2021) [unpublished PDF book (229 pgs.); reach out to me directly if you would like a copy]
Loving in Context: What can Catholics learn from Applied Behavior Analysis [blog article]
Ultimate Values for a Heavenly Destination [blog article]
Your Intellect, Will, and Heart, and What Each One Wants (Part I) [blog article]
Your Intellect, Will, and Heart, and What Each One Wants (Part II) [blog article]
Bodily Emotions and Spiritual Affections [blog article]
Respond in Affectionate Love to Persons [blog article]
St. Francis of Assisi: The Patron of the Heart of Youth Apostles (Part I) [ blog article]
St. Francis of Assisi: The Patron of the Heart of Youth Apostles (Part II) [blog article]
Collaborating author:
Truth, Freedom, and Care Theory by Dr. Eduardo Azcarate & Joseph Clem
Some favorite articles written by other folks:
Book excerpts
Kreeft, P. J. (2004). The God Who Loves You: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling. Ignatius Press: San Francisco, CA (Originally published under the title Knowing the Truth of God’s Love, 1988, Servant Books: Ann Arbor, MI).
Kreeft, P. J. (2015). Truth, Good, and Beauty - the Three Transcendentals. Living Bulwark [online publication]. Vol. 81, August/September 2015 (Originally published in 2008 as an essay “Lewis’ Philosophy of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty” in Baggett, Habermas, Walls, & Morris (2008). C.S. Lewis as Philosopher: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty).
Blog articles
The Intersection of Human Behaviorism & Catholicism by Lisa T. Kornacki, M.S., BCBA
Wellness of the Mind, Body, & Spirit by Sarita Soares, M.D.
The Holy Spirit: The Heart of the Trinity by Dcn Matthew Newsom. Homily for Pentecost, June 5, 2022.
Aesthetic Criticism vs. Frui in the Liturgy by Collin Slowey, Apr. 24, 2024
Journal Articles
Beauregard, J. (2015). Neuroscientific free will: Insights from the thought of Juan Manuel Burgos and John Macmurray. Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics, 3(1), 13-37
Valle, A., Cabanach, R. G., Núñez, González-Pienda, J., Rodríguez, S., & Piñiero, I. (2003). Cognitive, motivational, and volitional dimensions of learning: An empirical test of a hypothetical model. Research in Higher Education, 44(5), 557-580 (October 2003)
VanTol, Kathleen; Poling, Alan; and Ehrhardt, Kristal E. (2019) "Can a Christian be a Good Behavior Analyst? Yes, Indeed!," Pro Rege: Vol. 47: No. 3, 15 - 20.
Tarbox, J, Zuckerman, C.K., Bishop M.R., Olive M.L., O'Hora D.P. (2011). Rule-governed behavior: teaching a preliminary repertoire of rule-following to children with autism. Analysis of Verbal Behavior. 2011;27(1):125-39. doi: 10.1007/BF03393096. PMID: 22532759; PMCID: PMC3139547.
Recommended books:
Academic (heavy)
A Catholic Christian Meta-Model of the Person [Ed.] by Drs. Paul Vitz, Craig Titus, & William Nordling
They have provided Chapters 1 & 2 for free!
Person and Psyche by Kenneth Schmitz
Note, I tried Amazon first but they did not actually have the book. Also, long wait time to get it from CUA Press
The Heart: An Analysis of Human and Divine Affectivity by Dietrich von Hildebrand
Head and Heart: Affection, Cognition, Volition as Triune Consciousness by Andrew Tallon
Behavior Analysis
Let Me Hear Your Voice: A Family’s Triumph over Autism by Catherine Maurice
Please remember when reading this that all children are differently impacted by Autism, but it is good to desire more skills and well-being for your child
Flexible and Focused: Teaching Executive Function Skills to Individuals with Autism and Attention Disorders by Dr. Adel Najdowski
Treating Feeding Challenges in Autism: Turning the Tables on Mealtime by Dr. Jonathan Tarbox and Taira Lanagan Bermudez
The Verbal Behavior Approach: How to Teach Children with Autism and Related Disorders by Dr. Mary Barbera, BCBA-D
Turn Autism Around: An Action Guide for Parents of Young Children with Early Signs of Autism by Dr. Mary Barbera, BCBA-D
The Power of Positive Parenting: A Wonderful Way to Raise Children by Dr. Glenn I. Latham
Spiritual (light or moderate)
Jesus Himself Drew Near: A Spirituality for Shaping the Lives of Young People by Fr. Jack Peterson, Y.A.
Building Truthful Relationships by Dr. Eduardo Azcarate
unpublished (2017) ; given internally within Youth Apostles which he founded. If you would like a copy, please reach out directly to communications@youthapostles.org to request the book. Limited to remaining number of copies.
Spiritual Passages: The Psychology of Spiritual Development by Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R.
Stumbling Blocks and Stepping Stones: Spiritual Answers to Psychological Questions by Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R.
The Mindful Catholic: Finding God One Moment At A Time by Dr. Gregory Bottaro
The Wisdom of the Heart: The True, the Good, and the Beautiful at the Center of Us All by Dr. Peter Kreeft
Why Does Everything Come in Threes? A Short Book About Everything by Peter Kreeft
Interior Freedom by Fr. Jacques Philippe
The Imitation of Mary by Alexandre de Rouville, SJ
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius [translated by Louis J. Puhl, SJ]
technically it is written for retreat directors, but it has so much practical wisdom
The Little Flowers of Saint Francis [with 20 additional chapters; translated by Raphael Brown]
the main part is also known as “The Fioretti”
Keys to the Hearts: Reason, Religion, Kindness by Fr. Paul P. Avallone, SDB
on the preventive method of St. John Bosco; out-of-print as far as I know
Men, Women, and the Mystery of Love: Practical Insights from John Paul II’s Love and Responsibility by Dr. Edward Sri
some of this can be “heady” but it was helpful to read while I was dating
Recommended Videos & Audio
My Spotify Playlists
Prayer Music for:
Favorite Secular Christmas Music (fair game for me during Advent and Christmas season)
Favorite Christian Christmas Music (only for Christmas Eve through the rest of the liturgical season of Christmas)
Recommended Video Shows and Episodes
From the Ground Up: A Podcast about Autism, Faith, & Family [vlog] with Megan Hupert, M.Ed., BCBA, LBA & Scott Gaulden, Autism Father
The Role of the Heart and the Will in Dietrich von Hildebrand’s Vision of Love [seminar] with Dr. Maria Wolter
Recommended Podcasts
Being Human with Dr. Greg Bottaro
Called to Flourish Podcast from Divine Mercy University
Turn Autism Around with Dr. Mary Barbera, BCBA-D
Messy Family with Mike & Alicia Hernon
Restore the Glory Podcast with Dr. Bob Schuchts & Jake Khym
Ask Christopher West hosted by Wendy West
The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz
The Catechism in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz
The Catholic Money Show with Jonathan & Amanda Teixeira
Recommended Audio Episodes
The Case for Free Will by Professor Mathew Dugandzic
Three Spiritual Diseases Plaguing Our Personhood with Dr. Gregory Bottaro and Alexandre Havard
On how the philosophies of sentimentalism, rationalism, and voluntarism prevent us from being integrated in heart, intellect, and will, respectively